Overall, the divorce process includes two major areas: children custody and property division. However, if a couple didn't have any children, they may only have to worry about their marital assets.
Going through a divorce is an extremely complicated experience for most people. It's both physically and emotionally exhausting, and unfortunately, it can take a toll on people's finances as well.
Divorce involves many different components, and property division is one of the most important ones. At the same time, it's a frequent cause for exhaustion since it gives the court the power to divide the couple's belongings.
When a couple is divorcing, they probably want to ensure they get the best outcomes they can. Therefore, allowing the court to decide what to do with the assets of their marriage may be stressful and even fear-inducing for some.
We understand the difficulties people may have to endure when they are divorcing, which is why we want to give them the best legal advice possible. Having a good attorney is essential, especially in cases of property division – call us now to hire a top lawyer to help throughout the process.
The law has specific rules regarding the couple's assets, which is why an experienced attorney is the right person to guide clients through the process. York, PA, is covered by the laws in the state of Pennsylvania; thus, assets belong equally to both parties involved.
Moreover, Pennsylvania law mentions that there are two types of property that the court can distribute in divorce cases: marital property and separate property. The first kind of property can include a home, a car, retirement funds, investments, art, etc., and it doesn't matter if the title is in the name of one spouse.
When it comes to separate property, things are different. It refers to all assets one acquires before the marriage, everything covered under prenuptial agreements, inheritance the spouses might have, and property acquired after separation.

In some cases, the separate property could be considered as marital property – it has to do with whether or not the property in question gained value during the marriage. If, for example, a home acquired before the marriage gained value while the couple was married, it's considered marital property even though you bought it before.
Divorcing means people have to consider what people bought before, what they own now, its value, and all the specific aspects of their assets since a court of law is deciding on what might happen to their belongings. Logically, a specialized attorney can help them – we understand how challenging this process can be for a lot of people, and we are prepared to guide them through everything and fight for their case.
Seth and his staff are very nice and helpful people. They are helping me through a very difficult time in my life and I'm glad to have them on my side to represent me. I highly recommend this firm.
- Shelby M.
Seth took the extra time to fully explain to me thoroughly in detail the answers to all of the questions i had. He sensed my urgency and immediately went to the courthouse to file.
- Michael B.
Considering that divorce is so complicated, it is no wonder that people may want to know more about it. After all, having accurate information might help them hire top professionals in the field, as well as prepare themselves for court and ensure they get the results they expect after their property division.
There are several factors the court considers when they're dividing the assets of a marriage, and couples should remember them to understand how their trial might go. The following list includes several things to consider:
Marriage length
Prior marriages
Income, age, health, and workforce skills
Contributions to the education or learning potential of the parties involved
Opportunities to help the other party earn income or assets in the future
Income sources, which includes retirement funds and any other benefit
Each party's contributions to the marital home and chores
The value of the property of each party
Living standard, which was established by both parties during their marriage
Economic outcomes each party would have after the divorce, including taxes and costs incurred for selling assets
Whether or not a party is going to be a custodian for dependents
Additionally, the court can decide which party gets to live in the marital home. Since there are so many factors to keep in mind, calling an experienced attorney might allow you to have the results you're expecting.
The main difference between having the outcomes people expect and getting unwanted results is the quality of the help one gets through their divorce process.
A divorce is very stressful, especially when there are children involved. If there aren't any children, people might still be extremely worried about their assets – if someone and their spouse own properties, cars, and many things, they may be thinking of what could happen in the future.
Even though we can't control the decision of the court of law, we can prepare ourselves to passionately defend people's cases. We can give them different suggestions that might work, as well as give them all the guidance they need to ensure they know what to expect.
Predicting the future is impossible, and people can't control everything but having professionals by their side when someone is getting a divorce is essential, especially when handling their property division process. Trust our judgment – we have experience in the field, and we can understand the difficulties clients are going through right now.
It's hard to find empathetic lawyers who are willing to listen to people's worries about the case. However, all we want to do is help them, and we understand that as a client, they might be going through a lot right now.
We have experience in divorce cases, especially when it comes to helping people through their property division. As expert attorneys, we can give useful legal advice to clients and explain every part of the process.